Good question, let's start with what is an escape plan? - and to a certain extent it depends on what you want to escape from ...
Essentially this blog was set up for anybody that has got themselves in to a position that they want to change, but don't know how to. This may be a job/career that you're sick and tired of or even your own personal health and well being. This situation can arise in many guises - you could be in your forties, supporting a family but hating your job and longing for some way to change it but not knowing where to start. Alternatively you could be a graduate straight out of university who has a clear idea of how you want your life to go, and want to get a clear, structured plan in place to make that happen, right from the start.
Either way,it's never too late to plan for your future (within reason!).
The problem with modern day life is that it's become so busy that the vast proportion of the population have lost sight of the direction that they want their life to be travelling in. We spend so much time just trying to get through each day, and put food on the table that we can no longer take time out to see the big picture or plan for the future. Also, most people have had very little financial education, so money seems to spill through their hands like grains of sand and investing feels like a pipe dream. Even those people, who on face value seem to have it all, are quite often holding it together at the expense of their mental or physical health.
I faced the same temptations, pitfalls and fears but through a combination of knowledge and experience have managed to navigate through the maze of life so that I'm now running it on my own terms rather than somebody else's. What i did was not particularly clever or difficult. Indeed, I would say that anyone given a certain amount of knowledge, self discipline and willingness to commit to a plan for the long-term can do it.
So to answer your question The Escape Plan will arm you with the information and knowledge to make the best of your situation and put in place a practical financial plan to allow you to escape to whatever you want your life to be. It will also show you how to stay fit and healthy in the real world where time is limited and you want to eat and drink like a real person, not a cover model.
Don't get me wrong - there are no short cuts. What we're talking about is investing over the long-term (10years+), self discipline and honesty with yourself, and the occasional short-term sacrifice for long-term gain. But the rewards are worth it, particularly if you don't want to be working in a job you don't love for forty years ...
Now, in answer to the second part of your question: What am I trying to sell?
The simple answer is nothing. I've started this blog to help people and that will always be its primary purpose.
There is so little good quality information out there in either the financial or health and fitness industry where someone isn't trying to work an angle, that I thought I would use my knowledge and experience to provide some unbiased advice. Any products or suggestions that I recommend are 100% because I honestly think they are the best product for the job (normally because I have used them in the past or currently using them). If there is an affiliate advertising scheme for that product then I will join it, to help cover the cost of running the blog but the key point is that I will never let the presence of an affiliate program affect which products I recommend. Some products that I recommend will have an affiliate scheme, but others, such as Vanguard Funds - which I think are great - do not. This will not stop me from recommending them.
Whether you choose to believe me or not come down to trust. Hopefully, you will get from my blogs a sense of ethics and honesty. If you don't, just take the information that you need from me, and choose to use whatever product you want ...
Good question, let's start with what is an escape plan? - and to a certain extent it depends on what you want to escape from ...
Essentially this blog was set up for anybody that has got themselves in to a position that they want to change, but don't know how to. This may be a job/career that you're sick and tired of or even your own personal health and well being. This situation can arise in many guises - you could be in your forties, supporting a family but hating your job and longing for some way to change it but not knowing where to start. Alternatively you could be a graduate straight out of university who has a clear idea of how you want your life to go, and want to get a clear, structured plan in place to make that happen, right from the start.
Either way,it's never too late to plan for your future (within reason!).
The problem with modern day life is that it's become so busy that the vast proportion of the population have lost sight of the direction that they want their life to be travelling in. We spend so much time just trying to get through each day, and put food on the table that we can no longer take time out to see the big picture or plan for the future. Also, most people have had very little financial education, so money seems to spill through their hands like grains of sand and investing feels like a pipe dream. Even those people, who on face value seem to have it all, are quite often holding it together at the expense of their mental or physical health.
I faced the same temptations, pitfalls and fears but through a combination of knowledge and experience have managed to navigate through the maze of life so that I'm now running it on my own terms rather than somebody else's. What i did was not particularly clever or difficult. Indeed, I would say that anyone given a certain amount of knowledge, self discipline and willingness to commit to a plan for the long-term can do it.
So to answer your question The Escape Plan will arm you with the information and knowledge to make the best of your situation and put in place a practical financial plan to allow you to escape to whatever you want your life to be. It will also show you how to stay fit and healthy in the real world where time is limited and you want to eat and drink like a real person, not a cover model.
Don't get me wrong - there are no short cuts. What we're talking about is investing over the long-term (10years+), self discipline and honesty with yourself, and the occasional short-term sacrifice for long-term gain. But the rewards are worth it, particularly if you don't want to be working in a job you don't love for forty years ...
Now, in answer to the second part of your question: What am I trying to sell?
The simple answer is nothing. I've started this blog to help people and that will always be its primary purpose.
There is so little good quality information out there in either the financial or health and fitness industry where someone isn't trying to work an angle, that I thought I would use my knowledge and experience to provide some unbiased advice. Any products or suggestions that I recommend are 100% because I honestly think they are the best product for the job (normally because I have used them in the past or currently using them). If there is an affiliate advertising scheme for that product then I will join it, to help cover the cost of running the blog but the key point is that I will never let the presence of an affiliate program affect which products I recommend. Some products that I recommend will have an affiliate scheme, but others, such as Vanguard Funds - which I think are great - do not. This will not stop me from recommending them.
Whether you choose to believe me or not come down to trust. Hopefully, you will get from my blogs a sense of ethics and honesty. If you don't, just take the information that you need from me, and choose to use whatever product you want ...